Niveau 19

Niveau 19

Level Goal

The password for the next level is stored in a file readme in the homedirectory. Unfortunately, someone has modified .bashrc to log you out when you log in with SSH.

Commands you may need to solve this level

ssh, ls, cat

Ce niveau est assez ludique : lorsque l'on se connecte via ssh la connexion est immédiatement fermée au moment du chargement du profil utilisateur :

~$ ssh -p 2220 -l bandit18
Linux bandit.otw.local 5.4.8 x86_64 GNU/Linux

      ,----..            ,----,          .---.
     /   /   \         ,/   .`|         /. ./|
    /   .     :      ,`   .'  :     .--'.  ' ;
   .   /   ;.  \   ;    ;     /    /__./ \ : |
  .   ;   /  ` ; .'___,/    ,' .--'.  '   \' .
  ;   |  ; \ ; | |    :     | /___/ \ |    ' '
  |   :  | ; | ' ;    |.';  ; ;   \  \;      :
  .   |  ' ' ' : `----'  |  |  \   ;  `      |
  '   ;  \; /  |     '   :  ;   .   \    .\  ;
   \   \  ',  /      |   |  '    \   \   ' \ |
    ;   :    /       '   :  |     :   '  |--"
     \   \ .'        ;   |.'       \   \ ;
  www. `---` ver     '---' he       '---"

Welcome to OverTheWire!

If you find any problems, please report them to Steven or morla on

--[ Playing the games ]--

  This machine might hold several wargames.
  If you are playing "somegame", then:

    * USERNAMES are somegame0, somegame1, ...
    * Most LEVELS are stored in /somegame/.
    * PASSWORDS for each level are stored in /etc/somegame_pass/.

  Write-access to homedirectories is disabled. It is advised to create a
  working directory with a hard-to-guess name in /tmp/.  You can use the
  command "mktemp -d" in order to generate a random and hard to guess
  directory in /tmp/.  Read-access to both /tmp/ and /proc/ is disabled
  so that users can not snoop on eachother. Files and directories with
  easily guessable or short names will be periodically deleted!

  Please play nice:

    * don't leave orphan processes running
    * don't leave exploit-files laying around
    * don't annoy other players
    * don't post passwords or spoilers
    * again, DONT POST SPOILERS!
      This includes writeups of your solution on your blog or website!

--[ Tips ]--

  This machine has a 64bit processor and many security-features enabled
  by default, although ASLR has been switched off.  The following
  compiler flags might be interesting:

    -m32                    compile for 32bit
    -fno-stack-protector    disable ProPolice
    -Wl,-z,norelro          disable relro

  In addition, the execstack tool can be used to flag the stack as
  executable on ELF binaries.

  Finally, network-access is limited for most levels by a local

--[ Tools ]--

 For your convenience we have installed a few usefull tools which you can find
 in the following locations:

    * gef ( in /usr/local/gef/
    * pwndbg ( in /usr/local/pwndbg/
    * peda ( in /usr/local/peda/
    * gdbinit ( in /usr/local/gdbinit/
    * pwntools (
    * radare2 (
    * ( in /usr/local/bin/

--[ More information ]--

  For more information regarding individual wargames, visit

  For support, questions or comments, contact us through IRC on #wargames.

  Enjoy your stay!

Byebye !
Connection to closed.

Pour se connecter sans encombre il suffit d'établir un tunnel ssh vers le shell distant :

~$ ssh -p 2220 -l bandit18 -t  /bin/sh
$ ls
$ cat readme